My major peeve that I was just tired of arguing about is now not an issue anymore. GW has stated that rams are tank shock and now the deathroller can roll away with out having to waste game time.
Also my second peeve has been cleared as well with something I had not noticed in the Rulebook FAQ:
Q. Am I able to gain the benefits of any of my
opponent’s wargear or special rules, such as
Teleport Homers, Chaos Icons, Tyranid Synapse,
Necron Resurrection Orbs etc?
A. In most occasions this is clear, as the rules use
the words ‘friendly’ or ‘own’ to indicate your
units, and ‘enemy’ for the opponent’s. On the
other hand, some rules clearly specify that they
affect ‘friend and foe’. A few rules are, however,
slightly ambiguous as they don’t clearly specify
this distinction. As a general principle, we
recommend that you cannot use or gain the
benefits from any of the wargear or special rules
of your opponent’s army, unless specifically
stated in the rule itself (‘friend or foe’) or in an
official FAQ.
That solves the boarding plank issue in regards to attacking walkers and arguments about them striking back methinks.
I do believe that the only remaining major issue is the argument about whether the shock attack gun has to roll scatter if you roll a double, which I don't believe. I say this because of the order of events that occurs when shooting the shock, which is as follows: place the template, roll for strength, if you happen to roll doubles than go straight to the chart and work out the result. You never go back to the rolling scatter step.
All in all a good thing.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Gargant Proto Rules for Apocalypse
Slasher/Great Gargant Points should be 1500 for the Slasher and 2500 for the Great Gargant
WS:4 BS:2 S:10 Armor F:14 S:13 (for great gargant S:14) R:12 I:1, A:3 Same for both Slasher and Great
Structure: Slasher: 8, Great Gargant 12
Powerfields: Slasher: 5+D3, Great Gargant 8+D3. Both count as being within a Kustom Force Field
Transport: Slasher 40 Great 50 (a mek can fix and repair things or assist with the repair crew +1 to roll)
Access: counts as open top for troop deployment but can only embark from the rear
Fire Points: None
1 Small arms batteries: When infantry get too close, be they friend or foe, the crew and passengers of the gargant will often poke their personal weapons out of various windows and hatches to get a piece of the action. Counts as 20 shootas can only be targeted in groups of 10 at targets to speed up playtime and they cannot be destroyed by enemy fire as they are too dispersed. All weapon arcs. Great Gargant has 40 shootas
Slasher has 4 Supra Rockets, Great Gargant has 6 +D3 more per turn
1 Gaze of Mork: As Big Mek Stompa (Heavy 3 Zap gun 60” range) but add Anti-Aircraft
1 Flamebelcha: As Klawstompa, Meks always run a pipe to the reactor or boiler to vent off excess steam or power. What mek wouldn’t weaponize it?
1 Belly Gun: range 72” (Great Gargant has 96” range) Can fire every turn but before the battle the grots pack the magazine so full that there is no room to move around and due to the size of the ammo the grots have to stage the shells for loading. You must declare what type of shell you are going to use in order for the first four shots you shoot and mark them down on paper before you deploy. You cannot decide after seeing deployment. After four turns you can pick your shots. Integrated weapon, not destroyable.
Solid Shot: To fire the Solid Shot place the template anywhere within range and LoS and roll for scatter. The solid shot will then skid forward from it’s landing point directly away from the Great Gargant 3d6” or 2d6” for the slasher. Any model under its skid path will suffer a hit. Any units with Power Fields or Void Shields will additionally have them ALL downed if struck by the Solid shot. (GG uses the large blast, Slasher uses small blast)
Air Burst: As per the stompa upgrade belly gun but S:8 AP:3 3D6 radius (GG would go to S:9 3D6+3)
Hop Splat: It is a large weight, like a rock or iron ball, attached to a rocket that when fired bounces around. S:9 AP:2, To fire, place the small blast then roll scatter and 2D6 if you roll doubles than the shot buries itself in the ground otherwise keep rolling scatter and 2D6 moving the blast around until you roll doubles or go off the board. (GG Large Blast S:10)
Arm Weapons:
For both Slasher and Great Gargants pick 2, All primary weapons, 2 of the same are ok.
1 Titan Close Combat weapon:
1 Supra Lifta Dropa: As Stompa, 48” range, use the small blast, the hole must be on a viable target, any vehicle or monstrous creature (this is new) touched by the template is affected. Make one single direction roll for all targets and work out the results for each lifted model in turn. Monstrous Creatures take the 2D6 wounds when dropped as if they were getting hit. (GG is 60” range and use the large blast)
1 Snappa: As the Krusha Ball but 3D6 range, triple 1’s cause 2 S:D hits back onto the gargant and destroy the snappa. The first vehicle touched is grabbed and tossed as per the lifta droppa.
1 Mega-Supra Shoota: 72” range. Heavy 8D6 S:8 AP:3 (alternative is to make it D6 7”blasts, both ways are fun)
1 Mega-Death Kannon: 120” range S:D Apocalypse Barrage (2D6) My only be taken with a close combat weapon or Snappa (This can put out a lot of D weapons but it is limited to a small area, you will be able to really kill one big thing)
2 Shoulder Weapons: All primary weapons, Great Gargant only
1 Supra-Gatler: 60” range Psycho-Dakka-Blasta as per stompa S:8 Ap:2
1 Deff-Arsenal: As per Stompa upgrade but also Anti-Aircraft including extra Supra rockets
1 Lifta-Droppa: Regular as per stompa
1: Pulsa Rocket Battery: As Warlord vortex missile (only one allowed)
Special rules not related to weapons:
Effigy: within 18” inches makes orks fearless, orks within 12” gain counter attack
Mountain of Iron: Slasha Gargants are Immune to Driver stunned critical results, and treat all Stomp attacks as Destroyer hits.
Towering Inferno: Once crippled, a Slasha Gargant will tend to erupt in great gouts of flame, careening out of control as internal fires tear it apart from within. Catastrophic Damage Table “Wrecked” results instead move the Gargant ahead 2d6”. All normal movement rules apply. It is no longer scoring, may not fire any weapons or change its facing. Roll again on the Catastrophic Damage Table at the start of each ork turn until the Slasha Gargant explodes or leaves the table.
Great Gargant has the Observation Platform free which gives it +1 BS to BS4
Gods of War:
Gargants represent the highest levels of ork Kulture. Their presence on the battlefield is a cause for celebration for all orks because when gargants are on the field, something orky is going to happen. Something is definitely going to blow up real good, even if it is the gargant itself. This collective psychic expectation of the orks often draws the attention of Mork and Gork from their eternal cosmic krumpn’ if just for a moment because they too want to see what is going to happen. As a result, when a gargant, not a stompa, makes close combat attacks on another titan, gargant, or gargantuan creature with more than 7 wounds they always hit on a 2+ ignoring any other factors that might modify the roll. They also gain a +3 bonus on all rolls on any damage table, especially on the catastrophic damage table.
Should a gargant destroy any the above in hand-to-hand, than all broken orks on the table auto rally and a waaagh move may be made in the next ork turn. The Gargant must move 12” toward any enemy titan, gargant, or gargantuan creature with more than 7 wounds on the table every turn.
WS:4 BS:2 S:10 Armor F:14 S:13 (for great gargant S:14) R:12 I:1, A:3 Same for both Slasher and Great
Structure: Slasher: 8, Great Gargant 12
Powerfields: Slasher: 5+D3, Great Gargant 8+D3. Both count as being within a Kustom Force Field
Transport: Slasher 40 Great 50 (a mek can fix and repair things or assist with the repair crew +1 to roll)
Access: counts as open top for troop deployment but can only embark from the rear
Fire Points: None
1 Small arms batteries: When infantry get too close, be they friend or foe, the crew and passengers of the gargant will often poke their personal weapons out of various windows and hatches to get a piece of the action. Counts as 20 shootas can only be targeted in groups of 10 at targets to speed up playtime and they cannot be destroyed by enemy fire as they are too dispersed. All weapon arcs. Great Gargant has 40 shootas
Slasher has 4 Supra Rockets, Great Gargant has 6 +D3 more per turn
1 Gaze of Mork: As Big Mek Stompa (Heavy 3 Zap gun 60” range) but add Anti-Aircraft
1 Flamebelcha: As Klawstompa, Meks always run a pipe to the reactor or boiler to vent off excess steam or power. What mek wouldn’t weaponize it?
1 Belly Gun: range 72” (Great Gargant has 96” range) Can fire every turn but before the battle the grots pack the magazine so full that there is no room to move around and due to the size of the ammo the grots have to stage the shells for loading. You must declare what type of shell you are going to use in order for the first four shots you shoot and mark them down on paper before you deploy. You cannot decide after seeing deployment. After four turns you can pick your shots. Integrated weapon, not destroyable.
Solid Shot: To fire the Solid Shot place the template anywhere within range and LoS and roll for scatter. The solid shot will then skid forward from it’s landing point directly away from the Great Gargant 3d6” or 2d6” for the slasher. Any model under its skid path will suffer a hit. Any units with Power Fields or Void Shields will additionally have them ALL downed if struck by the Solid shot. (GG uses the large blast, Slasher uses small blast)
Air Burst: As per the stompa upgrade belly gun but S:8 AP:3 3D6 radius (GG would go to S:9 3D6+3)
Hop Splat: It is a large weight, like a rock or iron ball, attached to a rocket that when fired bounces around. S:9 AP:2, To fire, place the small blast then roll scatter and 2D6 if you roll doubles than the shot buries itself in the ground otherwise keep rolling scatter and 2D6 moving the blast around until you roll doubles or go off the board. (GG Large Blast S:10)
Arm Weapons:
For both Slasher and Great Gargants pick 2, All primary weapons, 2 of the same are ok.
1 Titan Close Combat weapon:
1 Supra Lifta Dropa: As Stompa, 48” range, use the small blast, the hole must be on a viable target, any vehicle or monstrous creature (this is new) touched by the template is affected. Make one single direction roll for all targets and work out the results for each lifted model in turn. Monstrous Creatures take the 2D6 wounds when dropped as if they were getting hit. (GG is 60” range and use the large blast)
1 Snappa: As the Krusha Ball but 3D6 range, triple 1’s cause 2 S:D hits back onto the gargant and destroy the snappa. The first vehicle touched is grabbed and tossed as per the lifta droppa.
1 Mega-Supra Shoota: 72” range. Heavy 8D6 S:8 AP:3 (alternative is to make it D6 7”blasts, both ways are fun)
1 Mega-Death Kannon: 120” range S:D Apocalypse Barrage (2D6) My only be taken with a close combat weapon or Snappa (This can put out a lot of D weapons but it is limited to a small area, you will be able to really kill one big thing)
2 Shoulder Weapons: All primary weapons, Great Gargant only
1 Supra-Gatler: 60” range Psycho-Dakka-Blasta as per stompa S:8 Ap:2
1 Deff-Arsenal: As per Stompa upgrade but also Anti-Aircraft including extra Supra rockets
1 Lifta-Droppa: Regular as per stompa
1: Pulsa Rocket Battery: As Warlord vortex missile (only one allowed)
Special rules not related to weapons:
Effigy: within 18” inches makes orks fearless, orks within 12” gain counter attack
Mountain of Iron: Slasha Gargants are Immune to Driver stunned critical results, and treat all Stomp attacks as Destroyer hits.
Towering Inferno: Once crippled, a Slasha Gargant will tend to erupt in great gouts of flame, careening out of control as internal fires tear it apart from within. Catastrophic Damage Table “Wrecked” results instead move the Gargant ahead 2d6”. All normal movement rules apply. It is no longer scoring, may not fire any weapons or change its facing. Roll again on the Catastrophic Damage Table at the start of each ork turn until the Slasha Gargant explodes or leaves the table.
Great Gargant has the Observation Platform free which gives it +1 BS to BS4
Gods of War:
Gargants represent the highest levels of ork Kulture. Their presence on the battlefield is a cause for celebration for all orks because when gargants are on the field, something orky is going to happen. Something is definitely going to blow up real good, even if it is the gargant itself. This collective psychic expectation of the orks often draws the attention of Mork and Gork from their eternal cosmic krumpn’ if just for a moment because they too want to see what is going to happen. As a result, when a gargant, not a stompa, makes close combat attacks on another titan, gargant, or gargantuan creature with more than 7 wounds they always hit on a 2+ ignoring any other factors that might modify the roll. They also gain a +3 bonus on all rolls on any damage table, especially on the catastrophic damage table.
Should a gargant destroy any the above in hand-to-hand, than all broken orks on the table auto rally and a waaagh move may be made in the next ork turn. The Gargant must move 12” toward any enemy titan, gargant, or gargantuan creature with more than 7 wounds on the table every turn.
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