My major peeve that I was just tired of arguing about is now not an issue anymore. GW has stated that rams are tank shock and now the deathroller can roll away with out having to waste game time.
Also my second peeve has been cleared as well with something I had not noticed in the Rulebook FAQ:
Q. Am I able to gain the benefits of any of my
opponent’s wargear or special rules, such as
Teleport Homers, Chaos Icons, Tyranid Synapse,
Necron Resurrection Orbs etc?
A. In most occasions this is clear, as the rules use
the words ‘friendly’ or ‘own’ to indicate your
units, and ‘enemy’ for the opponent’s. On the
other hand, some rules clearly specify that they
affect ‘friend and foe’. A few rules are, however,
slightly ambiguous as they don’t clearly specify
this distinction. As a general principle, we
recommend that you cannot use or gain the
benefits from any of the wargear or special rules
of your opponent’s army, unless specifically
stated in the rule itself (‘friend or foe’) or in an
official FAQ.
That solves the boarding plank issue in regards to attacking walkers and arguments about them striking back methinks.
I do believe that the only remaining major issue is the argument about whether the shock attack gun has to roll scatter if you roll a double, which I don't believe. I say this because of the order of events that occurs when shooting the shock, which is as follows: place the template, roll for strength, if you happen to roll doubles than go straight to the chart and work out the result. You never go back to the rolling scatter step.
All in all a good thing.
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With the shock attack gun I still sometimes roll scatter, depending on the double result. A double that teleports the mek into combat, no scatter, just go straight for it. A double that places the template over another target, place it on the new target, THEN scatter. I've found this to be quite fair if consistently applied (your opponent watches your shot scatters, then when they get the chance to place the template, it still scatters)
ReplyDeleteSaying you never "go back to" the rolling scatter phase is a bit misleading, as you declare target then roll strength. If you have no mishap you then roll the scatter. Or do you see where the template ends up before you roll strength? I don't have my codex to hand but I felt sure it was "declare target, roll strength, then resolve the shot" though I could be wrong.
I wasn't totally clear in what I was saying, If you don't roll a double, you clearly scatter. However, the subtle point I was making is that this is the last of the big uncertainties in the ork codex still needing an answer.
ReplyDeleteOne of the things, in my opinion, with designing total randomness into something is you need to make it over the top when things happen. Double 6's are rare and when they fall something should happen. Not having the template scatter helps that. I'm only going to put up with rolling boxcars and having the template scatter off so many times before I just cannot be bothered with taking the shock attack gun anymore. I could certainly go on and make this a greater discussion and I just might but I don't feel motivated currently. Feel free to keep discussing this and I'll turn the highlights into a post or something.
That would be quite fun and destructive, but from my reading of the rule book it wouldn't apply. There is of course nothing stopping you from creating a house rule and clearing it with your opponents before a game. Simply say "if something goes wrong it really goes wrong... this could completely backfire on me etc..."
ReplyDeleteAs an example, I always thought it strange that a speeder can't kamikaze ram a tank. I'd expect the speeder to come of worse, so it's a risky manouver. But it's fun! I did a post about this a little while ago on my blog, I'm thining of introducing a house rule to allow vehicles that aren't tanks (and therefore not able to tank shock or ram) to do precisely that.